Ray Gray has dedicated forty years of his life to the study and the performing of stories that grow out of the oral traditions: fairytales, fables, folktales, mythology and personal stories. Telling stories to over a million listeners has trained his eye and ear to recognize a good story. Recently a forty year old mother booked a program; she wanted her children to experience listening to a good story as she had when Mr. Gray told her stories as a child.

Three years ago, at the age of sixty-five, Ray felt the need to consider his work as a storyteller and think about the stories he wants to tell in the future. He recognized the importance of a book, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, by Carl Jung. He decided to create a performance, "Imagining the World of Carl Jung". based on this book. In this performance Mr. Gray tells the stories from Carl Jung’s life that helped to guide his own life’s journey.

Ray has not lost his love of telling stories to children. He will always be a child at heart. Nevertheless, he feels the need to create the stories that reflect his future. Optimistically, he imagines these as the stories for the last third of life!


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