Ray Gray has dedicated over fifty years of his life to study, writing and performance. His stories grow out of the oral traditions: fables, folktales, mythology and personal history. Creating and telling stories for over a million listeners have trained Ray’s eye and ear to recognize the elemental themes and rhythms of life.

When Ray turned sixty-five he decided the rhythm of his life suggested that it was time to transition from being a storyteller for children and begin working on the stories for the last third of life. Two adult performances grew out of this transition: Imagining the World of Carl Jung and Dancing with Daemons. A personal memoir, Grandpa Jung’s Lessons, for a slow reader, followed the live performances. All of these works focus on the Jungian concept of "individuation". This is the process of finding wholeness through the integration of our conscious ego with the unconscious self.

The years have passed and Ray's focus has shifted slightly to balance stories for the young and the old. Of Mice And Mills is an animal-fantasy story that was published in 2018. It was originally created twenty years ago as a multi-media program to teach middle school students about the Industrial Revolution. Ice Cream Mud is a fable that was published in 2019. It was created over forty years ago as a bedtime story for Ray’s own children.


Ray Gray, Storyteller Bucks County PA

Storyteller Doylestown PA
Ray Gray Storyteller
Bucks County Storyteller

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